January, 2013

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Matt McLean: The Future of Organic Agriculture In 2013 - Jan 03,2013

It is a new year and with it comes a whole new year of challenges for the organic industry. In 2012, although the battle to label gmo's on food was lost due to the failure to pass Proposition 37 in the state of California, the war is not over. If anything, more people are now aware of the plight of the organic farmers, the need to buy locally grown organic and are demanding the right to know what is in their food. What are the organic farmers doing to prevent contamination from gmos? How is the American organic citrus market faring? How profitable is organic farming in America? What are some of the lessons learned from 2012 that will be implemented this coming year? How can we continue to support organic agriculture if we are allowing so much competition from non-organic inferior produce? How are American organic farmers coping with the ban of imports from countries that do not want produce from the USA?What are the next steps we need to take to continue to fight for gmo labeling? Tune in to this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, as host, June Stoyer is joined by special guest, Matt McLean, CEO of Uncle Matts Organics to talk about what is in store for the upcoming year of organic farming. Stay tuned! Bio: Matt McLean, president of Uncle Matt's Organic Inc., is also the Board President of the Organic Trade Association. He has a myriad of expertise in the organic industry including marketing, distribution, farming, certification, and public policy. In 1999, Matt McLean ventured into the organic juice business with a passion for healthy living as well as a long family history of growing citrus in Florida. Matt's goal was, and still is, to produce the highest quality juice, using only premium 100% organically-grown fruit that is free from synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. His company, Uncle Matt's Organics is the leading producer of premium certified organic citrus from Florida.

The NLP View: NLP Tips For Medical Professionals - Jan 04,2013

NLP provides an insight and understanding into how we think, and has a variety of tools to help positively change that thinking process. In healthcare, we are not only involved personally in a complex organisation with our own busy lives, but we get involved in other people's lives often when they are very vulnerable. A helpful word or a nudge in the right direction at the right time can often do as much as a medical or surgical intervention. Mark Peters is a Master Practitioner in NLP, Hypnotherapist, CBT Therapist, life coach and rehabilitation trainer. Mark's extensive background in business, the martial arts and therapy has gelled together to allow him to provide an holistic therapeutic service. Mark's first experience of NLP was in the field of Change Management and it soon became obvious to Mark that ALL developmental work is in fact change management, even if named otherwise. Mark explains how doing something different requires a development of process and therefore a change of thinking and doing. NLP studies the structure of how humans think and experience the world. From this we can create the opportunity for change.

Lords of Nature: Are Predators Key To Our Survival? - Jan 07,2013

What would happen if your car had no oil or the steering wheel had been removed or you had no more gas? Your car would not function properly and clearly, you would have problems driving. When it comes to nature, every plant, every creature, every micro and macro organism plays its part much in the same way. Human beings are notorious for quickly destroying wildlife for the simple reason being that these creatures are either difficult to cohabitate with or are just a nuisance. It is unfortunate that people are so disconnected with nature and do not see how each creature plays an important role that impacts other creatures (human beings included) “Leading scientists working around the globe are learning that these much feared predators may in fact hold a key to life itself. It is the presence or absence of top predators that affects the health of the entire ecosystem.”-Lords of Nature The Lords of Nature: Life in a Land of Great Predators, is a captivating documentary which tells the story of a science now discovering top carnivores as revitalizing forces of nature, and of a society now learning tolerance for beasts they once banished. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer talks to Karen Anspacher-Meyer, Executive Director, Green Fire Productions and Craig Miller, Southwest Representative Defenders of Wildlife. We will also discuss the issues with efforts to minimize the protection offered to these species under The Endangered Species Act. Stay tuned!

Dr. Sandra Steingraber Discusses Raising Elijah - Jan 08,2013

In Raising Elijah: Protecting Our Children in an Age of Environmental Crisis, internationally recognized biologist Dr. Sandra Steingraber reflects on how caring for her own family led her to tough realizations and hard choices. She links key events in her children's lives—leaving a beloved preschool due to chemical contaminants on the playground, learning to appreciate organic produce—with broader environmental concerns, shedding new light on the factors affecting both human health and the health of the planet. From bug spray, to “tuna salad: the new lead paint,” to her own deck made of pressure-treated wood (which contains the carcinogen—and developmental neurotoxicant—arsenic), Steingraber outlines the various hazards that lurk in most houses and backyards. But as she explains, no mother or father can foolproof a home. In her words, “I am a conscientious parent. I am not a HEPA filter.” That's why, instead of shopping tips and websites to consult, she calls for “federal regulations that assess chemicals for their ability to alter puberty before they are allowed access to the marketplace,” a ban on horizontal slickwater hydrofracturing (a.k.a. “fracking”), and “chemical reform based on precautionary principles.” She also highlights a growing child's special needs and vulnerabilities, observing that many doctors, scientists, and governing bodies assume “all members of the population basically act, biologically, like middle-aged men.” At once a call to action and a poignant meditation on the simple joys of motherhood, Raising Elijah helps us see the little changes we can make and, more importantly, the enormous—but not impossible—changes we must demand. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer talks to best-selling author and world renowned activist, Dr. Sandra Steingraber. Stay tuned!

Click here to listen to the show:http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theorganicview/2012/01/03/laura-lassiter-2012-predictions-and-how-to-be-prepared

The Neonicotinoid View: Bee Health & The Role of Pesticides - Jan 09,2013

Recently the Congressional Research Service prepared a report for Congress on the most recent science entitled “Bee Health: The Role of Pesticides”. A similar review is being been conducted in the UK in the form of testimony before the UK House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee. Will this make a difference as far as the use of systemics? What is at stake as far as the industry is concerned? Will this finally get the momentum that is needed to make the changes the scientific community and the beekeeping community have been calling for? In this special series called “The Neonicotinoid View”, hosts June Stoyer and Tom Theobald talk to environmental author and beekeeper, Graham White. Stay tuned! Bio: Graham White, an expert on John Muir is the founder of the John Muir Award which challenges people of all ages to do something for the conservation of nature and wildlife. Graham published the Scottish Environmental Handbook which was the first publication of its kind. He also published The Nature of Scotland as well as a number of John Muirs works. In 1977, Graham hiked from Yosemite to Mt Whitney in a life changing journey which inspired him to create the first environment center in the United Kingdom. Graham began raising awareness against the use of neonicotinoids in 2004 and has also been working to raise awareness about the toxic impact on the entire eco-system. His message is that we are in danger of creating an agricultural environmental that is toxic to wildlife of every kind.

Click here to listen to the show:http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theorganicview/2012/01/03/laura-lassiter-2012-predictions-and-how-to-be-prepared

Entrancing Tales For Change With The English Sisters - Jan 10,2013

People read for a myriad of reasons whether it is for pleasure, knowledge or to pass the time. Many healing modalities use reading to facilitate the healing process. Especially when people read an interesting story, their mind is able to take a mini-break from any stressful situation that may be occurring. This is an effective method for relieving stress without using medication or taking drastic measures. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy. In the book, Entrancing Tales For Change With Hypnosis and NLP, The English Sisters enable readers to begin their journey on a path to wellness by reading very cleverly written tales. The stories are short, easy to read and uplifting which can be read randomly or in order, from beginning to end. The English Sisters have remarkably created a very unique and effective method for allowing the subconscious to begin the healing process. Tune in to this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, as host, June Stoyer is joined by The English Sisters to discuss their clever approach to wellness using joyful, fun and inspirational tales. Stay tuned! The English Sisters are Violeta and Jutka Zuggo, born in . Language has always played a very important role in their lives as they grew up in a bilingual family. This led to a natural fascination of how language affects the brain. Qualified in the Theory and Principles of Indirect Hypnosis, Ericksonian Psychotherapy and NLP with Stephen Brooks British Hypnosis Research. They have developed their personal style of conversational hypnosis based on NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis with their Hypnotic Ramblings for Change™ which guide the viewer into a state of light trance whilst bringing about positive changes.

Click here to listen to the show:http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theorganicview/2012/01/03/laura-lassiter-2012-predictions-and-how-to-be-prepared

The NLP View: Karen Moxom Discusses "The NLP Professional" - Jan 11,2013

Many people are learning about one of the most powerful and most important healing modalities called NLP which refers to a stated connection between the neurological processes (Neuro), our language (Linguistics) and the behavioral patterns that have been learned through experience (Programming). NLP is an approach to communication, personal development and psychotherapy that can be used to enhance an individual's personal and professional success. The NLP Professional applies the tools and techniques of NLP in order to facilitate the necessary changes which are needed for success when working with clients. The book questions some of the current practices in the field of NLP and challenges whether or not the practice is ultimately useful to achieve the desired outcome. It also explores how to expand the impact of NLP as it creates a profession that is credible, respectable and established. Tune in to this segment of The NLP View Radio Show, as host, Donna Blinston is joined by author, Karen Moxom to discuss her best-selling book, NLP for the Professional, Create a More Professional, Effective and Successful NLP Business. Stay tuned! Karen Moxom is the Managing Director of the Association for NLP (ANLP), an independent award winning social enterprise specializing in membership services for NLP Professionals. Karen is the editor of Rapport, the magazine for NLP Professionals, and the publisher of Acuity and the NLP Research Journal, Current Research in NLP. Until recently Karen was Chair of Governors at her son's school, she is a Scout helper and is part of the Developing Special Provision Locally Parent Reference group for Hertfordshire County Council.

Zambia's Moratorium On Big Cat Trophy Hunting - Jan 14,2013

As the world's lion population continues to rapidly decline, LionAid.org estimates that there are 645-795 wild lions remaining in western and central Africa. In eastern and southern Africa, 14,450 wild lions remain - for a continental total of 15,244 wild lions! However, LionAid is making progress! Recently, LionAid received the news about a big decision made by the government in Zambia regarding a moratorium on big cat trophy hunting. From 2000 to 2010, Zambia exported 651 lion trophies, virtually all adult males. LionAid estimates the total lion population to be about 850 animals of both sexes and all ages. LionAid has cautioned for many years that this very high level of offtake was unsustainable. From 2000-2010 Zambia exported 645 adult male leopard hunting trophies from an unknown number of animals in the source population. A recent scientific publication noted that trophy hunting of lions was significantly affecting populations in national parks as well. LionAid.org is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation and preservation of lions. Their mission is to create awareness about the huge decline of the lion population and work with government officials and other organizations to cease the legal hunting of these animals. Lions are a major trophy for hunters. Despite their well-documented decline, there is still a considerable trophy hunting effort. Since the last-published decline in lion numbers on the continent were made public in 2002-2004, over 4,400 lions have been exported as trophies. As such, trophies are largely male lions. The effect of this commercial activity has greatly impacted both overall lion numbers and the ability for remaining lions to reproduce. Trophy hunting must cease. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, tune in as host, June Stoyer talks to the founders of LionAid.org, Dr. Pieter Kat and Christine Macsween.

Arran Stephens Talks About His Journey On Nature's Path - Jan 15,2013

Not too long ago, people thought of organic food as mostly consisting of tofu, bean sprouts and granola. I honestly can tell you that tofu is not exactly I think of as being a top choice for an ingredient with meal planning. The times certainly have changed! Today, there are so many varieties of organic foods available, that it is amazing how much the industry has grown. One key player in the organic industry is Nature's Path which has clearly become a household name. Founded in 1985, Nature's Path Organic Foods is headquartered in Richmond, British Columbia and employs over 300 people at its four facilities in Canada and the United States. The privately held, family-owned company produces breakfast foods and snacks sold in specialty foods stores and retailers in 40 countries around the world. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer talks to Arran Stephens, the founder of Nature's Path. He truly lives up to his company's vision which is to be a trusted name for quality organic foods in every home; socially responsible, environmentally sustainable and financially viable. If you want to find out how the family got started and learn about the story behind greatness. Stay tuned!

The Neonicotinoid View: The Role of Pesticides In Honeybees - Jan 16,2013

A study has been conducted by Dr. Brian Eitzer and his team from the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station which analyzed the impact of pesticides on honeybee health. According to the EPA's definition, a pesticide is “any substance or mixture of substances intended for: preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest. Though often misunderstood to refer only to insecticides, the term pesticide also applies to herbicides, fungicides, and various other substances used to control pests. Under United States law, a pesticide is also any substance or mixture of substances intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant, or desiccant.” In the world of agriculture and especially in beekeeping , neonicotinoids have maintained the spotlight as the scientific evidence continues to grow regarding the decline of the world's bee population. Neonicotinoids are defined by the EPA as a class of insecticides with a common mode of action that affects the central nervous system of insects, causing paralysis and death. All of the neonicotinoids were registered after 1984 and were not subject to reregistration. Some uncertainties have been identified since their initial registration regarding the potential environmental fate and effects of neonicotinoid pesticides, particularly as they relate to pollinators. In this special series called “The Neonicotinoid View”, hosts, June Stoyer and Tom Theobald will speak to Dr. Brian Eitzer from the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station about his research. Stay tuned!

Doug Tallamy: Creating Biodiversity By Bringing Nature Home - Jan 17,2013

Biodiversity is something that clearly affects all species. Everything is connected to each other regardless of whether or not it is on a large or small scale. Sometimes the way we garden can actually improve our landscape and at times, can be disastrous. Such is the case with the introduction of invasive species such as Kudzu, Purple loosestrife, etc. Nevertheless, there are choices we can make that can positively impact our landscape according to the plants we select and what we introduce into the landscape. Our choices not only affect our view of the land but can also impact animals, insects and microorganisms that are dependent upon the role of such plants. In essence, human beings have the power to sustain life or destroy it because of these choices. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer will speak to Dr. Douglas Tallamy about his magnificent book, Bringing Nature Home which explores the impact of our choices and what we can do to sustain wildlife in our own back yard!

The NLP View: Jackie Wilkinson Discusses How She Won Gold - Jan 18,2013

There are many factors which influence sporting abilities and the probability of success. They range from genetics, physical ability, perfection of techniques to the athlete's mental abilities. It is equally as important as to possess the physical capacity to win as it is the mental ability to win.Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) focuses on the discovery or patterns of human behavior, which affects an individual's goals and endeavor. NLP deciphers the strategies, techniques and physiology used by athletes in order to achieve excellence. This is a process which can be learned in a short space of time. NLP provides multiple techniques to maintain the motivation to train, which will allow an athlete to achieve the highest level of success within his or her capacity. Tune in to this segment of The NLP View Radio Show, as host, Donna Blinston, R.N. is joined by author, Jackie Wilkinson to discuss her best-selling book, “Succeed in Sport, Train-Learn-Adapt-Improve”.

The CEO & The Monk: One Company's Journey to Profit & Purpose - Jan 22,2013

Corporate America is more or less known for distrust, employee mistreatment, and lack of ethics, to say the least. What if two men could create harmony between management and union workers as they generate profitability? Such was the case with the most unlikely duo, Bob Catell a luminary in the energy industry and Kenny Moore, a former Catholic Monk who tell their story of success in the best-selling book, The CEO and The Monk. It is the story of KeySpan, the nation's fifth largest energy giant and a profitable, Fortune 500 company and their simple belief in opting to "do the right thing." Before it was bought out by NationalGrid in February 2006, KeySpan received a 100% rating on the Corporate Equality Index released by the Human Rights Campaign starting in 2004, the third year of the report. The Human Rights Campaigns priorities include: prevention of hate crimes and HIV/AIDS; advocacy for healthcare benefits, marriage, and adoption rights for same-sex couples; lobbying for a federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act and gender identity anti-discrimination laws; combating gay bashing in schools; and building relationships with straight allies, ethnic groups, religious leaders, and youth. In this segment of The Clean Energy View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer talks to Robert Catell who was formerly the Chairman and CEO of KeySpan Corporation and KeySpan Energy Delivery, the former Brooklyn Union Gas. Following National Grid's acquisition of KeySpan Corporation, Mr. Catell became Chairman of National Grid, U.S. and Deputy Chairman of National Grid plc. He currently serves as Chairman of the Board of the Advanced Energy Research and Technology Center at Stony Brook University, New York State Smart Grid Consortium, Cristo Rey Brooklyn High School, Futures in Education Endowment Fund and the NY Energy Policy Institute's Advisory Council.

The Neonicotinoid View: Tom Theobald Discusses Sulfoxaflor - Jan 23,2013

Sulfoxaflor is a new systemic pesticide from the sulfamine family. While it is not a neonicotinoid, it is systemic pesticide that targets the same neural receptors as the neonicotinoids. Without any prior notice to beekeepers, the EPA announced in June 2012, that it would grant a section 18 (emergency permission to use an unregistered product) for use on cotton in four southern states: Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee and Louisiana. The EPA has recently announced the opening of the public comment period on sulfoxaflor. The EPA plans to grant sulfoxaflor a conditional registration despite many serious unresolved questions as to its safety and consequences not only for the honeybees but for the wider environment as well. Is this a repeat process, or lack thereof, regarding the neonicotinoid, Clothianidin? In this special series called “The Neonicotinoid View”, host, June Stoyer talks to beekeeper and bee advocate, Tom Theobald about the controversy surrounding the conditional registration of this pesticide. Stay tuned!

What You Need To Know About Your Pet's Behavior - Jan 24,2013

Have you ever come home completely exhausted and couldn't wait to crash on the couch? Then, just as you are about to drift off to sleep, you hear a noise. It is a very familiar sound that simply won't stop. You wonder what exactly is making this annoying noise. Then, you realize that it's your cat or dog, busy grooming themselves! While you would normally ignore this sound, it is too hard to ignore at this point. You tolerate it for a while but then it gets to the point that you get annoyed. You call out with a stern voice expecting it to stop. However, chances are its not going to be effective because your animal companion appears to be involved in a bad habit that is obsessive and compulsive. Could this be a medical condition? Little do we realize the animal is trying to communicate with us as he or she continues to lick the fur excessively. Without the awareness that licking is a form of communication, most of us have no idea and assume it is some kind of topical issue. As we scour their bodies trying to find some invisible culprit, we often give up and take our companions to the vet. Popular solutions, can include a shot containing a steroid or perhaps a round of antibiotics. This doesn't work. A few days to a week later, you find that your pet is compulsively “licking” again. Frustrated, we repeat this cycle until we either run out of money or the animal develops a serious condition as the result of all of the medication administered which now takes precedence over the licking. Is it natural for animals to compulsively lick themselves? Is there any explanation for this behavior? Is there anything that works permanently to stop the licking? If so, what is it and how do you find it? Is licking an indication of deeper emotional issues? In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host June Stoyer talks to animal and wildlife advocate, Laura Lassiter about what you need to know.Stay tuned!

The NLP View: The Road To Recovery With Keith Hern - Jan 25,2013

A harsh yet accurate statistic according to Cancer Research UK (24 July 2012) is that 1 in 3 people will develop cancer of some sort in their lifetime. Mouth cancer is one of the UK's fastest growing cancers, with incidences of the disease increasing by more than 45 per cent in the last decade. Latest figures show that around 6,000 new cases are diagnosed in the UK every year - a disease that kills more people in the UK than testicular and cervical cancer combined - with one person dying every five hours from the disease. Working with an NLP coach, Keith Hern challenged cancer head-on and emerged successfully with a second chance in life. Keith explores every emotion which touches the life of a person who has been told “You have cancer”. From the beginning, he takes you through his amazing journey in an honest, heartfelt and courageous manner. Being diagnosed with a potentially terminal disease is mentally traumatic. For those on this journey, sometimes comfort can be found through the words of someone who has travelled that road. Tune in to this segment of The NLP View Radio Show, as host, Donna Blinston R.N is joined by author, Keith Hern to discuss his personal success following the publication of his best-selling book, Bangers and Mash, How to take on throat cancer, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and win, with help from an NLP coach. Stay Tuned!

Love Barbecue's But Won't Eat Meat? Try Grilling Vegan Style - Jan 28,2013

If you love to barbecue but want to eat plant based foods, you will not be disappointed with John Schlimms latest best-selling book, Grilling Vegan Style: 125 Fired-Up Recipes to Turn Every Bite into a Backyard BBQ! John serves up backyard cooking and entertaining like never before. Running the gamut from plant-based appetizers, salads, sides, kabobs, and burgers to main dishes, desserts, and, of course, cocktails, John Schlimm also demonstrates the art of grilling faux meats, with key info on everything you need for proper heat and the best taste. With color photographs throughout, this cookbook ensures that the magic of a summer barbecue or a night around the campfire can ignite your taste buds all year long. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer talks to best-selling vegan author, John Schlimm, about his tips and techniques for grilling as featured in his latest book, Grilling Vegan Style! Stay tuned!

Growing The Perfect Heirloom Tomato - Jan 29,2013

For the avid gardener, growing one variety of a particular herb, fruit or vegetable is never enough. It is always interesting to see the difference in plant growth, production and finally the taste of the fruit in your cherished recipe. Especially for culinary enthusiasts, the more varieties you have the more amazing your dish is, complete with a horticultural biography to entertain your guests leaving them in awe. What if you found that through the years you had quite the assortment of organic tomato seeds in your collection? This is exactly what happened to Gary Ibsen who suddenly found himself the keeper of this huge seed bank of organic heirloom tomatoes that began to grow thanks to the contributions of his friends, neighbors and gardeners around the globe. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer talks to Gary Ibsen, founder of TomatoFest Garden Seeds (http://www.tomatofest.com). TomatoFest has revitalized the appreciation and desire for true heirloom tomatoes. Ibsen's belief in sustainable, organic farming and seed saving has inspired him to develop and grow heirloom tomato varieties for more than 30 years. For the 2009 season, he, and his partner Dagma Lacey, are growing more than 600 varieties of certified organic, heirloom tomatoes from seeds originally sourced from family farms around the world. Their hands-on tomato production and seed harvest techniques ensure the highest quality product and help ensure that these precious heirloom tomato varieties will be sustained for years to come. In 2008 Ibsen retired from 18 years of producing the nationally celebrated Carmel TomatoFest event in Carmel CA. Through their TomatoFest Seed Donation Program, TomatoFest Garden Seeds has been donating heirloom tomato seeds to more than 250 urban garden projects, school gardens, community outreach gardens around the U.S., India, Africa, Europe, China.

The Neonicotinoid View: Neonicotinoid Impact On Bee Growth - Jan 30,2013

In the world of beekeeping, neonicotinoids have maintained the spotlight as the scientific evidence continues to grow regarding the decline of the world's bee population. Neonicotinoids are defined by the EPA as a class of insecticides with a common mode of action that affects the central nervous system of insects, causing paralysis and death. All of the neonicotinoids were registered after 1984 and were not subject to reregistration. Some uncertainties have been identified since their initial registration regarding the potential environmental fate and effects of neonicotinoid pesticides, particularly as they relate to pollinators. Data suggests that neonicotinic residues can accumulate in pollen and nectar of treated plants and may represent a potential exposure to pollinators. Adverse effects data as well as beekill incidents have also been reported, highlighting the potential direct and/or indirect effects of neonicotinic pesticides. Therefore, among other refinements to ecological risk assessment during registration review, the Agency will consider potential effects of the neonicotinoids to honeybees and other pollinating insects. Dr. David Goulson, Professor of Biological Sciences at the University of Sterling and his team have conducted new research titled “Neonicotinoid pesticide reduces bumble bee colony growth and queen production.” In this special series called “The Neonicotinoid View”, my co- host, Tom Theobald and I will be joined today by Dr. David Goulson, Professor of Biological Sciences at the University of Sterling to discuss his research. Stay tuned!

The American Degeneracy Debate - Jan 31,2013

American degeneracy is quite a hot topic, especially if you are spewing theories that have no scientific proof. There have been many comparisons between Al Gore and Comte de Buffon, who was a leading French naturalist. In Buffon's Histoire Naturelle, he basically ripped apart America and said that because it was the last to emerge from the sea, it had weaker land, smaller animals and would never be strong. Interestingly enough, Thomas Jefferson defended our great country and pointed out that his theories do not fully explore all possibilities and just go so far. So, what have we learned from history? Why is or why was the study of plants so important? How did the debate over American Degeneracy affect American garden and landscape outlooks? How come Lincoln thought it important enough in the middle of the Civil War to establish the Department of Agriculture? In this segment of The Organic View, host, June Stoyer talks to horticultural expert, John Peter Thompson,about this controversy and why we need to pay attention to the environment. Stay tuned!