Cooking Isn’t Hard If You “Make It Easy!”

Lemon Poundcake

Do you love to cook but feel guilty because you don’t know how to make everything from scratch or don’t have time to? Is your family very picky? Do your kids refuse to eat healthy foods or always bug you to get fast food? What are key staples you should always have in your pantry? How can you avoid all of pitfalls inside the supermarket? In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, foodie, Stacie Billis, from and the managing editor of CoolMomEats talks to host, June Stoyer about her new best-selling book, Make It Easy…120 Mix and Match Recipes To Cook From Scratch!

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Can A Soup Cleanse Heal You?

Organic roasted potato soup. Seasoned with fresh sage, herbs of provence, sea salt and pepper

Soup is not only comforting but it can be cleansing! Why not take advantage of the cold weather and jump start your health with a soup cleanse? In this segment of The Organic View, host, June Stoyer talks to Soup Guru, Elina Fuhrman, about her best-selling book, Soupelina’s Soup Cleanse: Plant-Based Soups and Broths to Heal Your Body, Calm Your Mind, and Transform Your Life. These delicious, easy to make, plant-based recipes will jump start your health using the power of soup!

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