January, 2016

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Unless otherwise indicated, all materials on these pages are copyrighted by the The Organic View Radio Show. No part of these pages, either text or image may be used for any purpose other than personal use. Therefore, reproduction, modification, storage in a retrieval system or retransmission, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, for reasons other than personal use, is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. The identifier "The Organic View" refers collectively to The Organic View Radio Show, TheOrganicView.com and The Organic View Network.General inquiries should be directed to our Web feedback box, info(@)theorganicview.com or from the contact form at the top of most pages on our site, www.theorganicview.com.

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New EPA Lawsuit Over Failed Oversight of Neonicotinoid coated Seeds - Jan 07,2016

In this week’s segment of The Neonicotinoid View, special guest, commercial migratory beekeeper, Dave Hackenberg talks to host June Stoyer and Colorado beekeeper, Tom Theobald about a new law suit in which the EPA is being sued over Failed Oversight of Neonicotinoid-coated Seeds. Stay tuned!

“The Neonicotinoid View”, which is produced by The Organic View Radio Show is unique, weekly program that explores the impact of neonicotinoids on the environment. Tune in each week as June and Tom explore the latest research and news from the beekeeping community.

Is Your Family Being Destroyed By Too Much Media? - Jan 11,2016

Families no longer enjoy quiet meals together. Instead of conversation about the day's events, cell phones are answered, text messages are exchanged and video games are played. Almost everyone has become dependent upon some variation of media: TV, radio, news outlets, social media, etc. It is hard to avoid.Mass media clearly influences everything in our life, including the economy. When negative rumors spread about commodities, investors react drastically. Even in politics, once someone indicates candidacy for office, people react; markets react. The media clearly has a solid effect on people's emotions. This is true regardless of what the reality may be. Social media presents a unique assortment of issues because the activity can be very addictive. While people may be “engaging” socially on these sites, they are not interacting with one another in face to face. This is not only unhealthy but makes us as become disconnected. So, how can you set limitations? What can be done to constructively utilize media to create thoughts as opposed to being just a consumer of information? In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer talks to Dr Thomas W. Cooper about media overload. Dr. Cooper, is an award-winning Professor of Visual and Media Arts at Boston's Emerson College. He previously taught at Harvard University, where he also received his B.A. A former assistant to Marshall McLuhan, he is the Co-Founder and Co-Publisher of Media Ethics magazine. Today's show is brought to you by Eden Foods the most trusted name in certified organic clean food! Shop online at EdenFoods.com and enter the coupon code “ORGVIEW” when prompted during checkout to receive 20% OFF any regularly priced items (excluding cases).Tune in Mon-Fri @6pm EST and visit our contest section at www.theorganicview.com/contests to win one of our monthly prizes!

Is Candida Making You Ill? - Jan 12,2016

Do you get yeast infections often? Do you find that certain foods make you tired? Do you suffer from fatigue? You might have an issue with candida. Candida is a type of yeast that grows in the human body. An overgrowth of it has been found to be at the root of health problems, from chronic fatigue and digestion disorders to skin conditions and allergies; health professionals are calling it a hidden epidemic. One of the main instigators of candida overgrowth is sugar, which the average American consumes at the rate of more than 70 pounds per year. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer talks to author Ricki Heller, RHN, about her best-selling book, Living Candida Free: Conquer the Hidden Epidemic that’s Making You Sick—100 Recipes and a 3-Stage Program to Restore Your Health and Vitality. Stay tuned! Do you like FREE stuff? Tune in to The Organic View Radio Show, Monday through Friday @6pm Eastern and visit our contest section at www.theorganicview.com/contests to win one of our monthly prizes! Today’s show is sponsored by Austria’s Finest Naturally Authentic Pumpkin Seeds and Pumpkin Seed Oil from the Steiermark available at OrganicUniverse.com. Listeners of TheOrganicView can receive $1 off their purchase by using the coupon code "orgview". For more offers, please visit our website at www.theorganicview.com

Is Aspartame More Dangerous Than Sugar? - Jan 13,2016

Should you consume artificially sweetened products as opposed to those which contain sugar? Which sweetener is better for you? Which sweetener poses a greater danger to your health? Should children be allowed to consume products sweetened with aspartame? In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer talks to aspartame authority, Mary Nash Stoddard about the health benefits and dangers of using either aspartame or sugar. Stay tuned.

Are you an avid gardener or are just learning about gardening? Do you like FREE stuff? Tune in to The Organic View Radio Show, Monday through Friday @6pm Eastern and by sending us your feedback, you could win one of our monthly prizes!

Today’s show is sponsored by Austria’s Finest Naturally Authentic Pumpkin Seeds and Pumpkin Seed Oil from the Steiermark available at OrganicUniverse.com. Listeners of TheOrganicView can receive $1 off their purchase by using the coupon code "orgview". For more offers, please visit our website at www.theorganicview.com

How Mercury Affects The Unborn - Jan 14,2016

Approximately 1 in every 6 babies in the USA are born with harmful mercury levels in their blood. Consumption of fish contaminated by mercury is the main route of human exposure. The mercury drops from the air into the water system, where fish we eat eventually take it up. Mercury is extremely toxic to the brain and nervous system, especially to the rapidly developing brain of the unborn child during early pregnancy. When a pregnant woman eats mercury-contaminated fish, the mercury in the fish enters the mother’s blood stream. Once in the mother’s bloodstream, mercury can move directly across the placenta to enter the body of her unborn child. One of the body’s protective shields against damage to the brain, called “the blood-brain barrier,” is not fully developed until the first year of life. Thus, in the unborn child, mercury can cross this incomplete barrier and accumulate in the brain, causing developmental disabilities and brain damage resulting in lowered intelligence and learning problems. This has lifetime implications. One study found that “the resulting loss of intelligence causes diminished economic productivity that persists over the entire lifetime of these children.” The unborn are also being harmed by air pollution (SO2) that will be reduced as a co-benefit of the mercury standard. This pollution has been linked to birth defects, low birth weight, premature births, stillbirths and infant deaths. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer talks to Rev. Mitchell Hescox from The Evangelical Environmental Network, a ministry dedicated to the care of God's creation. Today’s show is sponsored by Austria’s Finest Naturally Authentic Pumpkin Seed Oil from the Steiermark available at OrganicUniverse.com. Listeners of TheOrganicView can receive $1 off their purchase by using the coupon code orgview.

The Neonicotinoid View: Dr Jonathan Lundgren Discusses Impact Of Neonics - Jan 15,2016

In this week’s segment of The Neonicotinoid View, special guest, Dr Jonathan Lundgren talks to host June Stoyer and Colorado beekeeper, Tom Theobald about his research on neonicotinoids, the role of biodiversity in food production and pest management, the risk assessment of neonicotinoids and GM crops and his new endeavor with Blue Dasher Farm. Stay tuned! “The Neonicotinoid View”, which is produced by The Organic View Radio Show is unique, weekly program that explores the impact of neonicotinoids on the environment. Tune in each week as June and Tom explore the latest research and news from the beekeeping community.

The Buzz About The National Western Stock Show- Jan 19,2016

The National Western Stock Show is the first of many large agriculture events that showcases trends in agriculture. Located in Denver, Colorado, it runs until January 24th, 2016. The 16-day show serves as an entertainment arena, hosting one of the world’s richest regular season professional rodeos, the “Super Bowl” of Livestock Shows, nationally recognized Horse Shows and Colorado’s largest Western Trade Show. The National Western Stock Show is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that provides college and graduate level scholarships in agriculture and medicine for practice in rural areas. As many as 80 scholarships are funded every year through their Scholarship Program. The show is especially important so that beekeepers can interact with farmers and learn about some of the latest agricultural advances. Colorado beekeeper and bee health advocate, Tom Theobald has been volunteering with the Boulder County Beekeeper's Association to interact with the public and raise awareness about bee health issues due to the impact of neonicotinoids. Tune in as Tom talks to host, June Stoyer about the show and the exhibit. Stay tuned! Do you like FREE stuff? Tune in to The Organic View Radio Show, Monday through Friday @6pm Eastern and visit our contest section at www.theorganicview.com/contests to win one of our monthly prizes! Today's show is brought to you by Eden Foods the most trusted name in certified organic clean food! Shop online at EdenFoods.com and enter the coupon code “ORGVIEW” when prompted during checkout to receive 20% OFF any regularly priced items (excluding cases). For other promotional offers, please visit TheOrganicView.com’s website. To listen to the segment, click the link below.


Liberty Devitto Reunites With The Lords of 52nd St - Jan 20,2016

Liberty Devitto is an American rock and roll icon and percussion royalty. He is best known as the drummer for Billy Joel, but has had quite a successful career performing with other artists in addition to his hot band, The Slim Kings! In New York, wherever you go, he’s a household name, regardless of young or old, he is beloved by all. On today’s show, he’s going to share some exciting news about a long overdue reunion! So, I’d like to welcome to the show, Mr. Liberty Devitto! In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer talks to the legendary rock ‘n’ roll drummer, Liberty Devitto about this historic reunion! Stay tuned! Today's show is sponsored by Eden Foods the most trusted name in certified organic clean food! When you shop online at EdenFoods.com enter the coupon code “ORGVIEW” to receive 20% OFF any regularly priced items (excluding cases). For other promotional offers, please visit TheOrganicView.com’s website. Do you like FREE stuff? Tune in to The Organic View Radio Show, Monday through Friday @6pm Eastern and visit our contest section at www.theorganicview.com/contests to win one of our monthly prizes!

Maafa 21: Why Unborn Black Lives Matter - Jan 21,2016

According to Merriam-Webster, eugenics is defined as a science that deals with the improvement (as by control of human mating) of hereditary qualities of a race or breed. Mark Crutcher produced a documentary called MAAFA21, which focuses on eugenics in the African-American community. The title comes from the Swahili term "Maafa", which means "tragedy" or "disaster", and is used to describe the centuries of oppression of African people, globally, during slavery, apartheid and colonial rule. "21" refers to the maafa of the 21st century. With the terminal disease rates within the African-American community, it almost seems to be expected that inevitably their fate should be tied in to a disease that is caused by diet or environment. Maafa21 seeks to prove that with the eugenics movement, African-Americans are being targeted even at an earlier point in life, straight from the womb. In honor of the annual March For Life, here is an encore presentation which explores this important documentary. Tune in to this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, as host, June Stoyer talks to Mark Crutcher to discuss Maafi21. Stay tuned! Do you like FREE stuff? Tune in to The Organic View Radio Show, Monday through Friday @6pm Eastern and visit our contest section at www.theorganicview.com/contests to win one of our monthly prizes! Today's show is sponsored by Eden Foods the most trusted name in certified organic clean food! When you shop online at EdenFoods.com enter the coupon code “ORGVIEW” to receive 20% OFF any regularly priced items (excluding cases). For other promotional offers, please visit TheOrganicView.com’s website.

The NLP View: Are You In An Unhealthy Relationship? - Jan 22,2016

Everyone looks for and needs a varying array of personality traits from their Mr. or Mrs. Right. Unfortunately some people are always looking for their Mr. or Mrs. Right, but he or she might not exist or worse still, the perceived Mr. or Mrs. Right does not provide the level of fulfillment desired or expected. Relationships can be complex emotional journeys of personal development, that make you question yourself as an individual, as a man or woman, as a lover and a partner. An unhealthy relationship can trap individuals in a vicious cycle of self-neglect and self-doubt. Preventing each individual from being who they want to be in the relationship may affect all areas of that person's life. Tune in to this segment of The NLP View Radio Show, as host, Donna Blinston R.N./R.G.N, author of Psychobabble, A Straight Forward Plain English Guide to the Benefits of NLP and special guest co-host, June Stoyer to discuss how NLP can be used to enhance personal relationships. Today's show is sponsored by Eden Foods the most trusted name in certified organic clean food! When you shop online at EdenFoods.com enter the coupon code “ORGVIEW” to receive 20% OFF any regularly priced items (excluding cases). For other promotional offers, please visit TheOrganicView.com’s website. Do you like FREE stuff? Tune in to The Organic View Radio Show, Monday through Friday @6pm Eastern and visit our contest section at www.theorganicview.com/contests to win one of our monthly prizes!

The Neonicotinoid View: Are There Enough Bees For The 2016 Almond Crop - Jan 25,2016

In this week’s segment of The Neonicotinoid View, host June Stoyer and Colorado beekeeper, Tom Theobald talk to commercial migratory beekeeper, Jim Doan about this year’s almond crop and whether or not there will be enough bees for pollination. Stay tuned!

The Neonicotinoid View, which is produced by The Organic View Radio Show is unique, weekly program that explores the impact of neonicotinoids on the environment. Tune in each week as June and Tom explore the latest research and news from the beekeeping community.

©2016 The Organic View Radio Show. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, all materials on these pages are copyrighted by the The Organic View Radio Show. No part of these pages, either text or image may be used for any purpose other than personal use. Therefore, reproduction, modification, storage in a retrieval system or retransmission, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, for reasons other than personal use, is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. The identifier "The Organic View" refers collectively to The Organic View Radio Show, TheOrganicView.com, The Organic View Network, Clean Energy View, The Neonicotinoid View and The NLP View. General inquiries should be directed to our Web feedback box, info(@)theorganicview.com or from the contact form at the top of most pages on our site, www.theorganicview.com.